Hello Anupa, the flavor is so exquisite and unique this year on the first flush, that it reminds me of the very first one I had up in the Himalayas at Makaibari on my trip. Is it just the lot you sent or is it the whole crop this year that is so exceptional? I received my tea order this morning and cupped it. I have to say the quality of this year's Makaibari Estate 2nd flush is exquisite. I opened the bag and was immediately struck by the complexity of the dry leaf and the amount of silver tips. It is difficult for me to describe the various subtle notes. Let it suffice to say this is a sophisticated tea which has more notes than a symphony orchestra. It is one of the better Makaibari 2nd flush teas I can remember. One of the many complex notes I am picking up on is reminiscent of an Assam Golden Tips tea I once experienced, a hint of honey? Does that make any sense?We agree - this year's crop continues to amaze us. I select the very best lots for air freight. The 1st flush is DJ 36/15 and the 2nd flush is DJ 196/15. We are always ready to share provenance on our teas - it provides authenticity and you know you're getting the real thing. Keep your comments coming and enjoy Makaibari - drink the best! All Makaibari teas are certified Organic, Biodynamic and Fair Trade.