This is a nice addition to my collection. I reach for it many days in a row. It is mellow but tasty. I re-steep it immediately following the first steep and then a mix them for four cups of tea which is dangerous bc then I sit longer than I should...
Steeping Instructions
Use 1 heaped tsp. leaf per 8 oz. cup.
Pour boiling water over leaves.
Steep 4-5 mins.
Milk may be added.

Tea Education
OP, BOP, FOP, TGFOP - what's the deal? These are shortcuts for grades of tea. An easy way to cut through all the arcane acronyms is to remember that OP or FOP signifies a full leaf tea and anything with a B in it such as BOP or BP means it has broken leaf in it. India and Ceylon teas in particular, are classified, graded and priced according to leaf size. The larger the leaf the higher the price. A full leaf tea such as OP, FOP or TGFOP, will result in a lighter cup than a smaller broken leaf tea such as BOP or CTC granules which are stronger in taste. OP is Orange Pekoe. FOP is Flowery Orange Pekoe. TGFOP is Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe. BOP is Broken Orange Pekoe and CTC is Crush, Tear & Curl. An OP grade does not automatically translate to quality. But it does mean that it has been manufactured as a full leaf tea.

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