Words from a Dedicated Fan

A couple of weeks ago I received an e-mail from Bill, one of our long-time customers, asking about the differences in our Earl Grey teas.  I explained that the tea base was what made each different. He thanked me by return e-mail and then proceeded to share this great story:

My friends and I visited your tea room many times as part of our tea club at work.  I am now retired so I don't get to come as often as I would like, living on the west side of the Hudson River.  Last year my family took me out to dinner for my birthday.  It was in Tarrytown.  My grandchildren held each hand as they directed me to close my eyes.  As we walked along I thought, "I'll take them to Silver Tips for tea and dessert".  Suddenly we stopped and the children told me to open my eyes.  Surprise, we were in front of your shop and this is where dinner would be.  We had a wonderful time sampling many teas.  Each of the others purchased a favorite.  I purchased three and a beautiful tea cozy decorated with cats; we have 6 rescues at home.  My step-daughter refused to let me buy, exclaiming that, in addition to dinner, anything I wanted was also my birthday present.  Thank you for letting me share, Bill.

Oh my!  That makes our day.  So glad you had such a happy day for your special occasion, Bill.  

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