A great private party yesterday at Silver Tips

MC900105220[1]We had a very enjoyable Private Party yesterday at Silver Tips for a bride-to-be.  Along with the bride's family and friends, it included, by coincidence, people with whom I had some connections.  One worked for a good friend of mine in Philadelphia.  Another had worked at UNICEF as an intern and we chatted about my early U.N. days.  Another knew someone on the US/India Trade council and on it went.  It was a hot day so the Strawberry Lemonade, iced PassionBerry tea and Mango Flip flowed freely.  And the nicest touch of all - this morning a note of thanks in my in-box:
What a pleasure to meet and speak with you this afternoon.  Thanks to you and your team for a perfect Afternoon Tea/Bridal Shower.  The bride and everyone else had a wonderful time.  We will be back for sure and will recommend your tea room to friends.  Hope to see you again soon.
We enjoyed having you too and thanks for having your celebration with us!  
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