Have you made your New Year's Resolutions yet? And do you keep them? At Silver Tips, we're going to start with our Mission Statement:
To provide a perfect cup of tea
To deliver consistently good food and service
To educate customers about all aspects of tea
To make every visit memorable.
Sounds easy but not that easy to make actionable everyday. If we rush and forget to mind the timer, we oversteep the tea and there goes your perfect cup. If we don't taste the food, the soup may need salt or the scone may not be warm or you get the Classic Wrap when you ordered the St. Kitts. Goodbye consistency. If we fail to educate you about how to steep a cup of green tea or how to store it when you take it home or why a Darjeeling is different from an Assam, we haven't done our job in educating you. And everyone knows about a memorable visit. It's when our server returns your over-generous tip that surely must have been a mistake, or keeps safe the jacket that you left behind or calls you when your special tea is in or gets you another tea because you didn't like the one you ordered. We know. You are our customers, our friends and our family. Thanks for 2008 and here's raising a cup to 2009.
This is the tea my coffee-loving partner drinks every afternoon... after years of making fun of me for drinking tea. It's a liquid treat in a cup.
I mainly drink unflavored green tea, but this black tea is light but with a deep flavor. I don't know how else to say it, but I love it.