We're always on the lookout for gourmet treats which have a twist to it. Perhaps they're organic or they help an organization or they're made locally. We found just such an item this year at the Fancy Food Show - Do Goodies. These are individually packaged brownies manufactured locally, but not just your ordinary bake-sale kind. These are brownies made with unsweetened Belgian chocolate and are the same brownies that Ben & Jerry use in their ice creams! And best of all, 100% of the profits go to the Greyston Foundation which consists of entrepreneurial community development programs providing jobs, healthcare, childcare and community gardens. They help individuals and families become self-sufficient.
We carry 3 flavors - Chocolate Fudge, Walnut Fudge and Espresso Bean. My favorite is the Espresso Bean but I must say the Walnut Fudge is a close second. The organization was kind enough to send us samples and I have to confess, our employees at the Tea Room and the office sampled more than the customers did. Their tagline says it all: "We don't hire people to bake brownies. We bake brownies to hire people". So when you must indulge, you might as well gobble these up and help someone.
One of the most aromatic, delicate and sweet blends. There hasn’t yet been anyone among my friends who has tasted this tea at my place and have not asked for it during the next visit.