The chowkidar rings the bell every day from 7 pm to 7 am, on the hour, to mark the time, to alert the factory workers and to keep guard. Around 7 each morning, Om, the tea stall manager and Makaibari's tour guide, begins to get his day ready and at 7.30, the factory gates open for the morning workers. Even earlier, the priest lights an incense, does the sunrise Homatherapy and asks the blessings for the day. Monday mornings, at 7.30, all 13 Forest Rangers meet to discuss their previous week's events and to plan ahead.
Here's Santosh,the Chowkidar, outside his post, Om at his Tea Stall and the priest doing the morning Homatherapy.
The forst blush is a bit too green for me and not quite enough bite, similar to traditional breakfast tea. This is perfect, I drink it plain and it's lovely!
I bye this tea for 20 years from Silver Tips and it gives me strength i the morning! Thank you so much!
We look forward to your orders and know how much you love this tea! Thanks for your continued loyalty!