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Organic Genmaicha

SKU # 2150-4
Regular price $ 29.48
Regular price Sale price $ 29.48
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Organic Japan green with toasted rice kernels - nutty. Very pleasant to drink, could easily become your daily green. Excellent accompaniment to savory and spicy foods.


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Ed K
A New Experience

This tea has such a savory aroma, that when I first made it a coworker asked if I had sauce in my office. The smell perfectly captures that moment where the popcorn is at the very edge of over popped but remains just right. The flavor perfectly melds the roasted umami of the rice with the subtle sweetness of the green tea. While I understand that this tea blend originally used rice to stretch the green tea due to poverty, this tea experience feels too opulent to be a money saver. The fact that I get three delicious steeps out of it is a money saver. A great tea!

We agree completely! Japanese restaurants have begun serving Genmaicha rather than Sencha because it complements food so well and the combination of sweet and toasty notes makes it a winner every time.

Ed K
Eye Opening Experience

This was unlike any tea I’ve tried before. The base is a delicious green tea but the toasted brown rice takes it to the next level. There’s a toasted nutty aroma and a full bodied flavor. A truly enjoyable cup of tea.

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Steeping Instructions

Use 1 tsp. leaf per 8 oz. cup.
Let boiling water cool slightly before pouring over leaves.
Steep 2 mins.
Can be re-infused.
Milk not recommended.