This is a nice addition to my collection. I reach for it many days in a row. It is mellow but tasty. I re-steep it immediately following the first steep and then a mix them for four cups of tea which is dangerous bc then I sit longer than I should...
Steeping Instructions
Use 1 tsp. of leaf per 8 oz. cup.
Pour boiling water over leaves.
Steep 4 mins.

Tea Education
According to Chinese legend, Genghis Khan made his soldiers drink tea to to make them more effective and courageous in battle. Our blend starts with a mildly smokey tea, topped off with some Jasmine flowers and sprinkled with white silver needles. The base tea has been smoked over pine or other woods. The best known smokey tea is, of course, Lapsang Souchong. Other teas are naturally smokey, such as Wu Yi Oolong.

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